Berlin Micro Theory Seminar

This term the micro theory seminar of the Berlin School of Economics (HU, TU, FU, WZB, ESMT, Herthie, Potsdam) takes place on Mondays during the semester from 10:30-11:45. The seminar series is also sponsored by the CRC TRR 190 on Rationality and Competition.

You can contact the seminar organizers under microtheory.wiwi(at)

Visit the seminar series website for more information.

Previous Events


A mechanism-design approach to property rights

Information Design with Costly State Verification

Hidden overtime: Contracting with an image-concerned agent

Sequential Mechanisms for Evidence Acquisition

Dynamic Screening: Why Weight isn't Volume

A Theory of Self-Prospection

A Theory of Auditability for Allocation and Social Choice Mechanisms

Contracts that Reward Innovation: Delegated Experimentation with an Informed Principal

Robust product design and pricing

Disclosure and Incentives in Teams

Crowding, Funding, and Capital in School Choice Matching

Respecting priorities versus respecting preferences in school choice:When is there a trade-off?

Evidence Disclosure in Competitive Markets

Keeping the Agents in the Dark: Private Disclosures in Competing Mechanisms

Optimal Delegation in a Multidimensional World

Bargaining under incomplete information with the help of delay

The Combinatorial Multi-Round Ascending Auction

An organizational theory of unionization

Competition and Herding in Breaking News

Mediated (Anti)Persuasive Communication

The Value of Privacy in Cartels: An Analysis of the Inner Workings of a Bidding Ring

Endogenous Information Acquisition in Cheap-Talk Games

The College Portfolio Problem

Strategic Concealment in Innovation Races

Connecting the Dots: Markets for Data

Open-ended matching with and without markets

How to study symmetric equilibria in binary action games

Price Competition, Information Acquisition, and Product Differentiation Perception

Data, Competition, and Digital Platforms

Old models: delist or discount?

The comparative statics of persuasion

Artificial Intelligence, Algorithmic Recommendations and Competition

Calibrated Clustering and Analogy-Based Expectation Equilibrium

Comparative statics with adjustment costs and the le Chatelier principle

Lexicographic Numbers in Extensive Form Games

Optimal Insurance: Dual Utility, Random Losses and Adverse Selection

Acquisition, (Mis)use and Dissemination of Information

Resolving Child Custody Disputes Efficiently

Spontaneous discrimination with endogenous information disclosure

Comparison of Experiments in Monotone Problems

Superiority Seeking and the Preference for Exclusion

Smart Contracts and the Coase Conjecture

Multi-Dimensional Screening: Buyer-Optimal Learning and Informational Robustness

Dutch versus First-Price Auction with Dynamic Reference-Dependent Preferences

Distracted from Comparison: Product Design and Advertisement with limited Attention

Mechanisms without transfers for fully biased agents

Supply Network Formation and Fragility

Keeping the agents in the Dark: Private Disclosures in Competing Mechanisms

Allocation Mechanisms without Reduction

Stochastic Impatience and the Separation of Time and Risk Preferences

Epidemics with Behavior

Games Played by Teams of Players

Extreme Points and Majorization: Economic Applications

On Efficiancy in Optimal Mechanisms

Dynamic Incentives for Buy-Side Analysts

How to sell hard information

Can Society Function without Ethical Agents? An Informational Perspective

Bargaining with Evolving Private Information

Optimal Group Testing with Heterogeneous Risks

Asymmetric Information and Security Design under Knightian Uncertainty

Information Design by an Informed Designer

Bayesian Incentive Compatibility with and without Free Beliefs

The Role of Discounting in Bargaining with One-Sided Offers

Project Choice from a Verifiable Proposal

Learning from Manipulable Signals

Misspecified Higher-Order Beliefs and Failures of Social Learning

Learning Dynamics in Social Networks

Platform Competition for Exclusivity with a Marquee Seller

Multi-Dimensional Screening with Buyer-Optimal Learning

Lindahl Equilibrium as a Collective Choice Rule

Reciprocity in Dynamic Employment Relationships

Information Processing: Contracts versus Communication

Detecting collusion using bid rotation

Collective Brand Reputation

Information Aggregation in Dynamic Markets with Adverse Selection

Digital Monopolies: Privacy Protection or Price Regulation

Partially Directed Search for Wages

Equilibrium Contracts and Boundedly Rational Expectations

Transparence in Hierachies

Data and competition: a general framework

The Optimal Certifier when Firms Enter and Invest

Demand for safety, risky loans: A model of securitization.

A Theory of Socially Responsible Investment

Merger Remedies in Multimarket Oligopoly

Consumer Information and the Limits to Competition

Economics and Human Motivation: Charles Darwin meets Adam Smith and Immanuel Kant

Projection of Private Values in Auctions

Normative Equilibrium:The permissible and the forbidden as devices for bringing order to economic environments

Bilateral Trade with Justification

Acquisition of Stochastic Evidence

Regret Theory and Salience Theory: Total Strangers, Distant Relatives or Close Cousins?

Vertical contracting and buyer power in procurement

Dynamic Coordination with Flexible Security Design

Strategy-proofness and perfect mechanisms

Is Bounded Rationality Driven by Limited Ability?

Knowing What Matters to Others: Information Selection in Auctions

Concerned with careers? Career development, task assignment, and labour market competition

Reconciliating Relational Contracting and Hold-up: A Model of Repeated Negotiations

Competition for Context-Sensitive Consumers

Mechanism Design without Euclid's Fourth Postulate

Rational Expectations, Stable Beliefs, and Stable Matching

Aiming for the goal: Contribution dynamics of crowdfunding

Online Social Networks: Approval by Design

Strategy-Proof Exchange under Trichotomous Preferences

Revenue Gaps for Discriminatory and Anonymous pricing

Testable Implications of Models of Intertemporal Choice

Optimal Information Disclosure by Crowd Funding Platforms

Invariance and Matching Market Outcomes

Sequential Procurement without Commitment

The splitting problem applied to Bayesian persuasion and mechanism design with externalities

Inconsistency, choice and internal conflict

Deceptive Products and Competition in Search Markets

Experiments as convex functions: three applications

The Impact of Price Discrimination in Markets with Adverse Selection

Assigning an unpleasant job without payment

Information Design: Insights from Orderings of Dependence and Heterogeneity

Liquidity benefits and bank capital requirements

Collusion in Auctions: An informed principal perspective

Evaluation Theory of Wage Growth

Competing Mechanisms in Markets for Lemons (joint wit S. Auster)

Optimal Sequential Decision with Limited Attention

Measuring the Effectiveness of Anti-Cartel Interventions: A Conceptual Framework

Cheap talk and commitment in Bayesian games