Berlin Applied Micro Seminar

The Berlin Applied Micro Seminar (BAMS) is a weekly research seminar, jointly organized by DIW BerlinHertie SchoolHU BerlinFU BerlinTU BerlinWZBESMT Berlin, University of PotsdamEuropean University Viadrina, BCCP, and SFB TRR 190. BAMS is one of the many activities within the Berlin School of Economics.

If you are interested in receiving news on the BAMS seminar, please subscribe to the newsletter here.

BAMS seminars take place on Mondays from 14:00h - 15:15h. Most seminars will take place physically at DIW Berlin (Mohrenstraße 58, 10117 Berlin), but a few will take place online (via Zoom). Information on the format (if applicable, incl. a Zoom link) will be distributed via the newsletter.

Some BAMS seminars will be preceded by an internal seminar presentation by a local researcher. These internal seminars take place in the same room from 12:30h - 13:30h and are accompanied by a free lunch. Information on the internal events will be distributed via the newsletter.

For details about a specific talk, please click on the seminar date.

For questions/suggestions please contact: info(at)

Subscribe to the Google Calendar feed or download the ics-file for this seminar series.

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Previous Events


One Cohort at a Time: A New Perspective on the Declining Gender Pay Gap

Can Work from Home Help Balance the Parental Division of Labor?

When Non-Native Speakers Compete for Top Schools: Displacement and Peer Effects in Primary Education

Municipalities under siege: organized crime infiltration and the misuse of public resources in the Center-North of Italy

Five Facts about MPCs: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment

Hiring Difficulties and Firm Growth

Automation, Career Values, and Political Preferences

Child benefits and family wellbeing

Peer Effects and the Gender Gap in Corporate Leadership: Evidence from MBA Students

Upgrade or Migrate: The Consequences of Input Subsidies on Household Labor Allocation

The labor market effects of the financial crisis: The moderating role of overconfidence

Do Politicians Affect Firm Outcomes? Evidence from Connections to the German Federal Parliament

Absence and pupil attainment: Evidence from pandemic policy in England

Incentivizing Labour beyond Full-Time: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Belgium

Do Test Scores Help Teachers Give Better Track Advice to Students? A Principal Stratification Analysis

It’s all about what you learn. Isolating the human capital component in the returns to higher education

En Route: The French Colonial Army, Emigration, and Development in Morocco

Workforce quality in early years interventions: Evidence from a large-scale home visiting program

Feedback, Overconfidence and Job Search Behavior

Broken Rung: Gender and the Leadership Gap

Women in top academic positions: Is there a trickle-down effect?

Immigration and Monopsony: Evidence Across the Distribution of Firms

Paternity leave and child development

The impact of low-income priority points on school choice, academic performance and school satisfaction

We've Got You Covered: Employer Responses to Dobbs

Platform Promotion and Consumer Welfare: Evidence from the Amazon Books Page

The Dynamics of Abusive Relationships

The social integration of international migrants: Evidence from the networks of Syrians in Germany

Early Child Care and Labor Supply of Lower-SES Mothers: A Randomized Controlled Tria

Hit where it hurts: Healthcare access and Intimate Partner Violence

How can AI improve search and matching? Evidence from 59 million personalized job recommendations

Collective Climate Action: Air Pollution, Child Outcomes, and Inequality

Are Research and Teaching Substitutes or Complements? Evidence from the UK

What Do Insurers Do Differently Than One Another? Managed Competition and Value Added

Shallow Christianity, Charisma, and the Rise of Hitler

Non-College Occupations, Workplace Routinization, and the Gender Gap in College Enrollment

Firm Adjustments to Worker Absence: Evidence from Four Family Policy Regimes

Science under Inquisition: The allocation of talent in early modern Europe

Racial Inequality in the U.S. Unemployment Insurance System

New Evidence on the Effect of Technology on Employment and Skill Demand

The Distributional Impact of Real-Time Pricing

Discovering Hidden Stars: Performance Measures in Science and the Allocation of Talent

Are Chemists Good Bankers? Returns to the Match between Training and Occupation

The Scale and Nature of Neighborhood Effects on Children: Evidence from a Danish Social Housing Experiment

The Impact of Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Clinics on Early 20th Century U.S. Fertility and Mortality

Worker Beliefs about Outside Options

Private Monopoly and Restricted Entry - Evidence from the Notary Profession

The Rise of China and the Global Production of Scientific Knowledge

Migrants at Sea: Unintended Consequences of Search and Rescue Operations

Building Capacity in the Public Administration

Improving Workplace Climate in Large Corporations: A Clustered Randomized Intervention

Direct, Spillover and Welfare Effects of Regional Firm Subsidies

Structural Change, Landuse and Urban Expansion

Information, preferences, and household demand for school value-added

Gender Differences in Job Search and the Earnings Gap: Evidence from the Field and the Lab

Social Media and Allyship in the Black Lives Matter Movement

Floating population: consumption and location choices of rural migrants in China

Matching in the Dark? Inequalities in Student to Degree Match

The Seeds of Ideology: Historical Immigration and Political Preferences in the US

Internet, Social Media, and the Behavior of Politicians: Evidence from Facebook in Brazil

Technological Change, Firm Heterogeneity and Wage Inequality

Power and Dignity in the low wage labor market: evidence from Walmart workers

The Returns to College(s): Relative Value-Added and Match Effects in Higher Education

A Tale of Two Networks: Common Ownership and Product Market Rivalry

Minimum wages and the wage policy of firms

Discontinuities in the Age-Victimization Profile and the Determinants of Victimization

Global Evidence on the Effect of Siblings’ Sex on Personality

Trauma at School: The Impacts of Shootings on Students' Human Capital and Economic Outcomes

Consumption and Subjective Expectations: Empirical Evidence and Structural Estimation

Is there Evidence for Ethnic Discrimination in the German Market for Health Care?

Perceived Costs and Benefits of Maternal Labor Supply Decisions

School Health Programs: Education, Health, and Welfare Dependency of Young Adults

Merger, Product Variety and Firm Entry: the Retail Craft Beer Market in California

New Frontiers: The Origins and Content of New Work, 1940-2018

Common Ownership and Competition in the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry

Knowledge Sharing within Firms across Space

Geographic Sorting and Aversion to Breaking Rules

School Types: Evidence on the relative effectiveness of different school arrangements

Fixing Misallocation with Guidelines: Awareness vs. Adherence

Labor Supply and the Pension Contribution-Benefit Link

Benign Effects of Automation: New Evidence From Patent Texts

Early Career, Life-Cycle Choices, and Gender

The role of heterogeneous expectations in life cycle models

Oligopolistic Price Leadership and Mergers: The United States Beer Industry

The dynamic response of municipal budgets to revenue shocks

Assessing the Selection Bias of Non-experimental Estimates in the Returns to Workplace Training

Inattention and Switching Costs as sources of inertia in Medicare Part D

The Inverse Product Differentiation Logit Model

Dog Eat Dog: Measuring Returns to Scale Using a Digital Platform Merger

The Gender Pay Gap in an Online Labour Market: The Cost of Multi-Tasking

The Wage Premium of Married Women and Men

Specification and Estimation of the Birth Weight Production Function: Understanding the Effects of Inputs from the Health Sector

Closing the Gap Between Vocational and General Education? - Evidence from University Technical Colleges in England

The Wage Penalty of Regional Accents

Patient vs. Provider Incentives in Long-Term Care

Intergenerational Spillovers in Disability Insurance

Tasks, Occupation, and Wage Inequality in an Open Economy

Can Gender Quotas in Candidate Lists Empower Women? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design

Building Nations through Shared Experiences: Evidence from African Football

Reallocation and the Minimum Wage - Evidence from Germany

How Effective Is Black-box Digital Consumer Profiling and Audience Delivery?: Evidence from Field Studies

Female Wages, Work Experience and Training over the Life-Cycle

In-Kind Transfers, Tagging, and Market Power: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act

Do Lower Minimum Wages for Young Workers Raise their Employment? – Evidence from a Danish Discontinuity

From Big Data to Trusted Smart Statistics

The Roots of Health Inequality and The Value of Intra-Family Expertise

Which findings get published? Which findings should be published ?

The "End of Men" and Rise of Women in the High-Skilled Labor Market

Higher Education Funding Reforms: A Comprehensive Analysis on Educational and Labour Market Outcomes in England

Media Competition and News Diets

Intergenerational effects of school entry policies

On the family origins of human capital: Evidence from donor-conceived children

Prep School for Poor Kids: The Long-Run Impact of Head Start on Human Capital and Labor-Market Outcomes

Patience, Accumulation and Comparative Development

Credit misallocation during the european financial crisis

STEM Labour Market Tightness - Evidence from Germany

The Role of the Bundesbank Microdata Production in Times of Big Data: The Need for Data access and Data Sharing

Field of Study, Selection, and the Gender Pay Gap

Human capital accumulation and forced migration: evidence from the post-War Polish mass population transfers

Heterogeneous Effects of Secondary School Tracking Reform: A Disaggregated Synthetic Control Approach

The Effect of an Income Shock at Birth on Child Health: Evidence from a Child Benefit in Spain

The Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Evidence from the Golden Age of Upward Mobility in the U.S.

Oppositional Identities in a Migration Society: Combing a Large-Scale Trust Experiment in Schools with a Natural Citizenship Experiment

Estimating (Easily Interpreted) Dynamic Training Effects from Experimental Data

One Markup to Rule them All: Taxation by Liquor Pricing Regulation

Innovation: The Bright Side of Common Ownership?

Migrant Wages, Human Capital Accumulation and Return Migration

Lowering Welfare Benefits for Immigrants: Intended and Unintended Consequences for Individuals and their Families

Displacement, Family Dynamics and Spousal Labor Supply

Economic incentives and gender identity

Entry, Career Dynamics and Worker Quality in the Labour Market for Talent

Effects of Taxes and Safety Net Pensions on Life-Cycle Labor Supply, Savings and Human Capital: the Case of Australia

Does Increased Accountability Decrease Leniency in Performance Ratings?

Evaluation of Language Training Programs using Principal Stratification: the case of Luxembourg

Social mobility and preferences for redistribution

Can Audits Backfire? Evidence from Public Procurement in Chile

Why the United States Science and Engineering Workforce Is Aging Rapidly

Early life circumstances predict measures of trust attitudes among adults

Classification Trees and Heterogeneous Moment-Based Models

Distributional National Accounts: Methods and Estimates for the United States, 1913-2013

Frontier Knowledge and Scientific Production: Evidence from the Collapse of International Science in the Wake of WWI

Politician's Twitter and Political Donations