Berlin Behavioral Economics Seminar
The Berlin Behavioral Economics Seminar is a joint effort between DIW, WZB, HU Berlin and TU Berlin (in cooperation with CRC TRR 190) with the aim of fostering the exchange between active researchers in the areas of behavioral and experimental economics.
The 2023/24 winter semester series will take place at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The seminars will be held on Thursdays from 3:15 – 4:15 pm and 4:45 – 5:45 pm at HU/Theology Faculty, Burgstraße 26, Room 008
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Previous Events
Mental models of the stock market
Are biases contagious? The influence of communication on motivated beliefs
Explaining the Too-Good-To-Be-True Puzzle in Two-Sided Matching
Murphy’s law or luck of the Irish? Disparate treatment of the Irish in 19th Century courts
News media as suppliers of narratives (and information)
From intent to inertia: Experimental evidence from the retail electricity market
Trade, voting and ESG policies: Theory and evidence
Against totalitarianism: the value of a history education in countering extremist ideology
Politics of Food: experimental evidence on trust in expert regulation and consumer responses
The Complementarity of Good Institutions and Voluntary Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from 43 Societies
Mental Models in Financial Markets: How Do Finance Experts Reason About The Pricing of Risk?
Competition, cooperation, and motivated social perceptions
Conducting qualitative interviews with AI
Natural identities and social integration
Behavioral Policy Targeting: Evidence from Payments for Vaccinations
Learning to see the world’s opportunities: memory, mental experiencing and the economic lives of the vulnerable
Do Optional Information Policies Increase Equity? Evidence From Two Large-Scale Grading Experiments
Psychological Mechanisms for Eliciting Preferences and Beliefs
Stochastic dominance and preference for randomization
Competing Causal Interpretations – A Choice Experiment
Judging Nudging: Understanding the Welfare Effects of Nudges versus Taxes
Racial and gender favoritism in crowdfunding – evidence from the field
Misinterpreting yourself
Confidence and Gender Gaps in Competitive Environments
Cash Transfers and the Local Economy: Evidence from Brazil
Intertemporal coordination in volunteer markets
Multigame contact: a double-edged sword for cooperation
Home Price Expectations and Spending: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Incentives for Conformity and Anticonformity
Understanding mechanisms of persistence in prosocial behavior: Evidence from a large-scale field experiment
On the relative deservingness of capital and labor
How much do rankings affect attention? Evidence from an at-scale natural field experiment on the Finnish stock market
Miscalibration, Overconfidence and Uncertainty
Incentives to Reach High and Low Goals and Academic Performance
Reverse Bayesianism: Revising Beliefs in Light of Unforeseen Events
Correcting Consumer Misperceptions about CO2 Emissions
Shine a light (on the bright): Awards and the gender gap in knowledge contributions in STEM
Keep Them out of It! How Information Externalities Affect the Willingness to Sell Personal Data Online
Interpreting the Will of the People: A Positive Analysis of Ordinal Preference Aggregation Politicians’ Social Welfare Criteria: An Experiment With German Legislators
The effect of ambiguity in strategic environments: an experiment
Health Status and Compliance with Public Health Directives during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Correcting misperceptions about the views of the medical community has lasting impacts on Covid-19 vaccine take-up
Tell Me Now or Tell Me Gradually: The Resolution of Uncertainty in the Value and Probability Domains
The Breakup of the Bell System and its Impact on US Innovation
The effect of exposure to ethnic minorities on ethnic preferences
How to Regulate Carbon Emissions with Climate-conscious Consumers
Self-confidence and reactions to subjective performance evaluations
How do people vote under preferential voting? An experiment on voting behavior and computational complexity
Cooperation in Multiplayer Dilemmas
The true returns to the choice of occupation and education
Higher-order beliefs in a networked dilemma
On the Complexity of Inferring Models from Data
Unraveling Soft-Commitment: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Recycling
Affective polarization breeds ideological polarization
Mental models and learning: The case of base-rate neglect
Cost-(in)effective public good provision: An experimental exploration
Acceptable Discourse: Social Norms of Beliefs and Opinions
Why do people choose gender congruent careers – an ambiguous story
Dynamic Inconsistency in Risky Choice: Evidence from the Lab and Field
Selective Memory of a Psychological Agent
Higher Orders of Rationality and the Structure of Games
Does growing up in a recession increase compassion? The case of attitudes towards immigration
The Role of Beliefs in Maternal Labor Supply Decisions
Betrayal, Risk, and Externalities: An Experimental Study on Fairness Ideals
Lifestyle and Mental Health Disruptions During COVID-19
The Complementary Nature of Trust and Contract Enforcement
Bounded Rationality, Complexity and Optimal Incentives
Lying aversion: on the margin, and in the limit
Private contributions and the regional scope of charities: How donation experiments can inform public policy
Overconfidence and Prejudice
Communication with partially verifiable information: An experiment
Reference Price Shifts and Customer Antagonism: Evidence from Reviews for Online Auctions
Fighting Alone versus Fighting for a Team: An Experiment on Multiple Pairwise Contests
Income mobility, luck/effort beliefs, and the demand for redistribution: perceptions and reality
The conditional contribution mechanism for repeated public goods - the general case
Intentions for Doing Good Matter for Doing Well: The Negative Effects of Prosocial Incentives
A new approach to the analysis of cooperation under the shadow of the future: Theory and experimental evidence
Who inflates the bubble? - Forecasters and traders in experimental asset markets
Linguistics and time preferences: Are intertemporal trade-offs shaped by language?
Stability of preferences and personality: New evidence from developing and developed countries
When payoffs look like probabilities: Separating form and content in risky choice
Biases Over Biased Information Structures
Communication and behavior in organizations: An experiment
Moral decision costs when vote weight care unequal
The political economy of establishing credible agreements: Political settlements, incentives, and the configuration of deals
Rehabilitation and social behavior: Experiments in prison
A market for honesty: Fighting corruption in education
Incentives for conformity and disconformity
It takes two: Gender differences in group work
Interpreting Signals: Evidence from Medical Referrals
Probabilistic states versus multiple certainties: The obstacle of risk in contingent reasoning
Designing Incentives for Startup Teams: Form and Timing of Equity Contracting
Competition Promotes Helping Behavior via Indirect Reciprocity
The epistemology of confidence: On the difficulty of being both wrong and knowing it
Seeking and Interpreting Signals: An Experiment
Which Real Effort Task should I choose? An Experimental Comparison of Tasks and their Behavioral Effects
Turning up the heat: The demoralizing effect of competition in contests
Getting to the Top: Gender Quotas in Multistage Tournaments
Equilibria in Transportation Games with Road Pricing
Fabio Michelucci (Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute, Prague)
How to Boost Revenues in First-Price Auctions? The Magic of Disclosing Only Winning Bids from Past Auctions
Consistency and Stationarity of Individual Time Preferences
Measuring and Bounding Experimenter Demand
Concentration Bias in Intertemporal Choice
Unemployment and distributive preferences: Results from a longitudinal lab-in-the-field experiment
Equity versus Equality: Experimental Analysis of Justice Rules
Andrej Angelovski and Werner Güth (LUISS Guido Carli, Rome)