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Yale-Humboldt Consumer Law Lunch Lecture

June 18, 2018
Time 12:30–14:30
DIWMohrenstr. 58, Room Karl Popper10117Berlin
NotesThis is a public event. Drop-in attendees are welcome.

Yale-Humboldt Consumer Law Lunch Lecture

Robert C. Post
Sterling Professor of Law, Yale Law School
The Classic First Amendment Tradition Under Stress: Freedom of Speech and the University

Judith Resnik
Arthur Liman Professor of Law, Yale Law School
The history and challenges of collective redress in the US?

In the “Yale – Humboldt Consumer Law Lunch Lectures“, Professors from Yale Law School and other leading US-Law Schools will present their recent research in the field of consumer law at Humboldt Law School every spring. The lecture series is organized by Prof. Susanne Augenhofer, LL.M. (Yale).